Saturday, April 19, 2008

7 Reasons to Start Runnung

I just recently started running, and noticed it has improved my life in many ways.

Here is why...

  1. I am a lot more athletic and in shape now than I was before. (That's a given!)
  2. Even though I am not purposely trying to eat better, I am! I just started favoring bananas over chips!
  3. I met a ton of new people.
  4. Running gives me something to look forward to each day.
  5. When I'm having a bad day or can not do anything right, It encourages me to know I can run.
  6. It is a stress reliever!
  7. Last of all, it is FUN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great list, RunningShoes. It makes me consider running.

I'd like to favor good food over bad and I could use the stress release.