Friday, April 25, 2008

Just One


Did you know many people die in Africa each day because lack of clean water? Did you know YOU can help. It only takes $1 for an African to have clean water for a whole year!

How Can I Help?

There several things you can do:
  1. Donate-Remember each dollar provide one African with a one year supply of clean water. You can also give to the 1000 Wells fund.
  2. Run a Campaign-Church, Collage, Home, School, VBS, Two Weeks of Sacrifice.
  3. Volunteer-At a concert or with HIV vaccine research.
  4. Advocate-For DATA or The One Campaign

"It is indeed great that Blood:Water Mission has once again done it for the poor faces they have not seen. These are all fruits of your meekness and love to us. Thank you again. You are deeply rooted in my heart and I lack words to express our gratitude. I'll be visiting the two groups over the weekend to pass the message to them about their new wells."

"Since the introduction of a well into our community, our stomach problems have completely disappeared."

"Clean water is a powerful way to begin a large scale conversation about AIDS. The 1000 Wells Project is a simple campaign that has very little controversy surrounding it. It is difficult to argue whether or not a person should have clean water. It is also difficult to deny the equation: $1= clean water for 1 person for 1 year. And it is vital that the church begin to build relationships with African communities. When a well is built, a conversation is started, a relationship between the church and the community benefiting from the project begins. This is the seed of a worldview shift. This is what excites us about this project."

For more information go to

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Save a Life, Bite Back!

Thousands die in Africa because of malaria. The sad thing is there is not a cure for it! The only thing to do is to prevent it with a net (which they can not afford.) Click on the picture to bite back! My family did.

$10 to Prevent Malaria


Saturday, April 19, 2008

7 Reasons to Start Runnung

I just recently started running, and noticed it has improved my life in many ways.

Here is why...

  1. I am a lot more athletic and in shape now than I was before. (That's a given!)
  2. Even though I am not purposely trying to eat better, I am! I just started favoring bananas over chips!
  3. I met a ton of new people.
  4. Running gives me something to look forward to each day.
  5. When I'm having a bad day or can not do anything right, It encourages me to know I can run.
  6. It is a stress reliever!
  7. Last of all, it is FUN!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sign Language Lesson 2

This week you will learn a lot about grammar. I will not be hosting this lesson on my blog today because there is a lot to know about grammar and I do not even completely understand it. Next week you will learn more about numbers and words starting with "A"

Go here for your lesson on grammar!

Braille Lesson 2

I'm off to a late start this week. Sorry about that!

This week you will learn some more about punctuation. Below will give you all the punctuation you will need! Some signs you see below have more than one braille cells. For more info on these punctuations go to

Next week you will start to learn the "A" abbreviations.

bar (oblique stroke)/34
opening bracket/brace[62356
closing bracket/brace]23563
double dash__36363636
decimal point.
dollar sign$256
exclamation point!235
fraction line/ or __34
number sign#3456
opening parenthesis(2356
closing parenthesis)2356
pence (sterling coinaged145
pound (sterling coinage)£123
question mark?236
double opening quotation mark"236
double closing quotation mark"356
single opening quotation mark'6
single closing quotation mark'3563
section sign§2343
shilling (sterling coinage)s234