Yesterday my family and I went to Little Bear Creek Tree Farm to pick up a tree. It was the best place we had ever been to get a tree for a lot of reasons!
First, It has the greatest trees! We found a great one so soon, we kept looking because you can not find a tree with in the first five minutes! Also, this is one of the very few places where you can get a 16 foot tree! They cut it down for you and get it to your car!! Plus, they have a couple different types of trees! Trees such as Silver Tip and Blue Fir. As you can see they have great trees!
Second of all, it is kid friendly! Instead of having to hike a lot, they give you a ride to the half way point. Then they give you a ride back after you have found your tree! Also, at the half way point they have hot cocoa and cider! Then at the bottom they sell cookies, fudge, and ornaments! Across the creek there is a see saw made of a tree! Everyone is free to play on it! If you get cold, they have a fire by the place where you wait for a car to pick you up! It snows here too! Now you know where to go if you are looking for a family tree farm.
Lastly, their parking system is great! If you are going in a group of more than one car, you do not have to worry about getting split up because they will park you next to each other! They have lots of staff to show you the way to your spot too! Parking is no longer a worry at Little Bear Creek Tree Farm.
There are a ton of great reasons to go there, but one bad. It is very difficult to find the entry. Though, I have solved that problem ; I will tell you what the entrance looks like! There are no signs that say there is a tree farm. The entrance is right next to some sort of Power Plant or something. You might see some cars with trees coming out; that is a definite sign it is the tree farm! Now you know how to get in!
As you can see, Little Bear Creek Tree Farm is a great place to go! For more information visit the website http://www.littlebearcreektreefarm.com/index.html